An extract from the book ‘In search of Good Governance’,
which can be downloaded free at this link –
Download the book here

- Candidate applications should be submitted a year before election/selection.
- A team should work on scrutinising the applications, and interviewing relevant people and entities for verification of factual information. The reviewing team should come from a different province, so that manipulation or undue prejudice from people who know the candidate is minimised.
- Reviewers should visit the village or town or district where the person grew up.
- It is recommended that ten people do the research on one person, to counter check results, and avoid personal prejudice.
1) Verification of Factual Information
- Check qualifications
- Check for experience and skills levels
- Check for criminal record
- Check Personality type
2) Character Assessment
(Information secured must be assessed with the leadership indicators in mind)
Visit the family of the candidate:
- Is the spouse fully supportive?
- Is there harmony, discipline, mutual respect in the home?
- Have any of the family members broken the law?
- Are there any complaints about the candidate’s behaviour by any of their family members?
Get testimonials from at least five but preferably all of the following:
- Previous employer
- Work colleagues
- Clients
- Suppliers
- Teacher/Mentor
- Spiritual leader
- Neighbours
3) Interview with Guardian Council / Council of Elders
These elders may be recognised leaders in the community such as or religious leaders, kings and/or princes of various groups, business leaders in the field in which the Candidate wishes to serve, or elderly retired people with a track record of honourable service to the community or the nation. The council of elders should comprise a cross section of people representing as wide a spread of languages, cultures, beliefs, genders and races as possible.
4) Leadership Assessment Questionnaires 1 & 2
For More on this – Click here.
Practical Candidate Interview