On 11 June 2020 the Constitutional Court ruled that, if elected, citizens can hold public office in local, provincial and national government (Parliament) as independent candidates. Hence, they need not represent a political party, but can represent their communities/constituencies directly. The people can then hold them directly accountable, and even replace them before the next election if they don’t do their work.
Raising Righteous Rulers (RRR) will now assist communities to get organised in terms of putting together Community Forums, identifying and evaluating potential independent candidates, and endorse them as “righteous rulers” (or ethical leaders) ready for election. RRR will not be campaigning in the elections because we are not registered with the IEC. But as a civil movement, we will assist communities, churches and the whole body of Christ in South Africa to select and elect righteous leaders that they can trust. Our constant focus is building a culture of Devoted Citizenship. We will also train and equip potential independent candidates to prepare them for public office.
We INVITE you to contact us so that we can assist you – either as a community, a concerned citizen or as a potential independent candidate. The time has come for real change and true democracy. The answer is not politics, but good governance.
“When the righteous are in authority , the people rejoice” (Prov 29:2)